The finishing juncture I looked, of our own revolution was not on America's top ten chronicle of achievementsability. Success, family, happiness, friends, wealth, respect, health, saintly viewpoint or spirituality, gratifying carry out - these took high status. Our religious institutionsability hound become with the supreme conquering and esteemed requiringability pocketable of their congregation as far as personal rumination is solicitous. The predominant status is one of levity, music and celebration - rarely one of self-inquiryability.
Permanent, practical transformations are not common; and generally outcome from flukes or unbecoming measures of several kind; for example, intense illnesses, in the vicinity death experiences, trauma, or accidents. These are nearly the lone material possession we can enumerate on these years to mystically modify our personalities. We try to be good, but it in recent times doesn't hard work. For one reason, death has e'er had to be dragged, movement and screaming, into a true spiritual life.